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Achieve your inner pace Online coaching with Lynn Festa

Are you feeling burned out?

Do you feel like something is "off" but you just don't know what?

Are you a highly sensitive person?

Meet Lynn

Wellness Coach & Occupational Therapist

I combine:

  • my 30+ years of clinical experience as an Occupational Therapist

  • the latest evidence from the field of positive psychology

  • my skills as a HSP Knowledgeable Professional

to provide each of my clients with a
customized action plan 


I can help you...

Set better boundaries at work and in relationships.

Achieve better energy and time management as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Let go of toxic striving and perfectionism that leads to burnout.

Use tools and strategies to use your high sensitivity as a superpower.

Improve resilience to better cope with today's hectic environment.

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

Elaine Arons, Ph.D. developed this self test to help determine whether you have the traits of a highly sensitive person.


The only unique contribution you can offer the world is to be who you actually are and no one else.

-Ashly Lorenzana

“As a highly sensitive person, I found Lynn’s guidance extremely helpful while navigating ways to avoid burnout in my chosen career as an occupational therapist.”

- A.H.

“Her expertise in addressing the complexities of being highly sensitive is exceptional providing me with practical tools and strategies that have made a positive difference in my daily life.”

- N.M.

“Lynn’s approach is personal and customized, and her ability to truly listen and empathize made me feel seen and understood from the very first session.”

- H.E.

"Lynn is highly effective in conveying her expertise on being HSP which led to my understandable, embraceable and sustainable insights."

- M.A.


Coaching services can be achieved through live webcasting or onsite depending on location

and the needs of the client.

Wellness Coaching

For the individual seeking to reclaim the passion and drive that originally led them to their life’s purpose.

Professional Development

Designed for the OT, clinic or organization that wants to reach their best potential as a cohesive unit, and would like to maximize each staff members’ potential to flourish as an individual and a team member.

Keynotes + Workshops

Lynn can provide keynotes, group coaching, and webinars designed to meet the needs of your organization or team.

Ted X
Creating Sustainable Trust with Integrity-Based Medicine

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